Fierce Crusher v1.1.0 (Enemies Fight Back)

Fierce Crusher Updated to 7.14.24v1.1.0-a (Enemy's Fight Back)

Fixed: Angerer's death particles displaying in the wrong place | Fade not working correctly to hide when the game loads

Added: Vehicles as a new type of interactable thing | A rover vehicle | A card to show information about what is in the spawn menu when hovering over it | An effect to the title when you switch modes | FINALLY, the enemies can now actually attack you and fight back! | 

Changed: The background of the main menu, it now is a lot less empty | The spawn menu layout to a list instead of icons | Expanded Level 1 more | Made the main menu music 25% louder

Removed: | The "(T)" in the inspection card when hovering over pickups while pressing " ` " |

Notes: Warning, with the vehicles and how their collision work; they're quite buggy and you are bound to run into issues with vehicle collision. It also might be a bit loud if it breaks quite a lot

Plans: Make the vehicle collision not terrible | Make it so that you can run over enemies with vehicles | Add more vehicle types | Add a boomerang as a weapon | Possibly add swords and or blunt melee weapons as a useable things | Other than swords, and bows, I want to make NPC's be able to wield guns... scary | Add bosses. At least one for now | Make the dynamic music system I have in place work for when you are in battle with enemies


Fierce Crusher (Current) 122 MB
82 days ago

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